A description of your workstation



Hi! I’m going to describe this workstation. This workstation is very funny, because the chair is a toilet. There are a one computer and one monitor, and workstation are a little old. There are wooden desks, the worker is working in a small space. On a desk has a many papers, the monitor, the keyboard, the phone, a pair of speakers, the mouse and mouse pad. It’s a normal desktop work.

It is a law a little weird and nothing normal since a battery should not be in that place and hang time is a little funny

I’m done with the description, thanks for attention

the battery in the middle of the office is a bit ugly but then funny part, and also not comfortable because you have to scroll to the sink

on top of the toilet you can see a hung like a hanger underneath the battery is a carpet jacket and the top of the table is full of papers.

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